The Shared Responsibility Model in Cloud Governance

September 15, 2021

The Shared Responsibility Model in Cloud Governance

Cloud computing has changed the way organizations manage their systems and data. It offers easy access to storage, processing power, and other computing resources. However, with the potential of great benefits comes the need for good cloud governance practices. When it comes to securing data and systems in the cloud, the Shared Responsibility Model plays a crucial role.

The Shared Responsibility Model defines where the responsibility lies between the cloud provider and the user. It outlines the security responsibilities of both parties to secure data and systems. The user and the provider share responsibilities in some areas, while the provider bears all the responsibilities in some areas. So, what are these areas, and how do they align with governing risks in the cloud?

Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model

Let's start by taking a closer look at the Shared Responsibility Model. Here's a brief overview of what you need to know.

User Responsibilities

The user is responsible for:

  • Data protection and backup
  • Access management
  • Network and infrastructure configuration
  • Maintaining compliance with regulations
  • Securing operating systems and applications, including virtual machines (VMs)

Provider Responsibilities

The cloud provider is responsible for:

  • Physical security of the cloud infrastructure and facilities
  • Network and infrastructure protection
  • Maintaining compliance with regulations
  • Availability of service
  • Security of the cloud infrastructure, including VMs

Importance of Shared Responsibility Model in Cloud Governance

The Shared Responsibility Model plays a critical role in managing risks and ensuring cloud security. By determining and understanding the responsibilities of both parties, users can effectively leverage cloud resources while maintaining security and compliance.

Benefits for Users

The Shared Responsibility Model provides several benefits to users:

  • Users can focus on their core business instead of worrying about data protection and security.
  • It helps users to meet regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Cost savings due to cloud provider handling infrastructure maintenance and security.
  • Reduces the risk of misconfigurations and other user errors that can lead to data breaches.

Benefits for Providers

The Shared Responsibility Model also provides several benefits to the cloud provider:

  • Security responsibilities are better defined, making it easier for the provider to address them.
  • Providers can build secure cloud environments that meet the needs of customers, reducing the risk of data breaches or system failures.
  • Providers can highlight areas of responsibility to their customers, making it easier for users to understand their role in ensuring security.

Comparison of Shared Responsibility Models across Different Cloud Providers

Different cloud providers have varying Shared Responsibility Models, and it's essential to understand the differences to ensure proper cloud governance. Let's take a look at a comparison of Shared Responsibility Models among popular cloud providers.

chart depicting comparison of Shared Responsibility Models among popular cloud providers

Data based on Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud documentation as of August 2021

As you can see, the level of responsibility varies greatly among cloud providers. Understanding these differences is essential to maintain proper governance framework and control over risk management efforts.


Cloud governance is vital to managing risk in the cloud; the Shared Responsibility Model serves as an effective framework to ensure security and compliance. It's important for organizations to understand their responsibilities and cloud providers' responsibilities to manage risk effectively. By implementing good cloud governance practices, organizations can leverage the full potential of the cloud while maintaining security and compliance.


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